
Bianco Ridgeon skis

Together with Daniel Steuerer I went to Pontresina/Engadin on April 16th. Our aim was to ski down Piz Bianco via the Bianco Ridge.

At 5:30 p.m. we started from the parking area and after about four hours we reached the Tschierva hut, where we stayed overnight. The next day we started at 5:00 a.m. and went via the glacier towards Fuorcla Prievlusa. With the skis on our backs we climbed over some easy terrain to the start of the Bianco Ridge.
Because of the late hour and the bad conditions, Daniel decided to wait. So I trudged up the ridge to the Piz Bianco on my own.

On the top I took a 15-minutes rest, before I clipped on my skis and dared the first swing. It was really steep (50°), the snow was extremely hard and on and on there were passages with blank ice, which I just had to ski over.

After half an hour I was back with Daniel at the start of the Bianco Ridge. The rest of the downhill was a simple but great firn passage to Morteratsch.

MANAGEMENTFlorian KlinglerSchillerstraße 13
6020 Innsbruck – Austria
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